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Friday, 9 October 2009

[Leeteuk] Cyworld From 06/10/09 - 08/10/09


Sidebar Update

Mood Update:
Today is....just*

..my everything..*

...SJ..&.. ELF..*

...let's get together!!...

*kinda like so so
*previously translated by rocket @ sj-world.net

source 박정수's CY
translated by superlover♫ @sj-world.net (the third line)
pict from ★_Excentrique @sj-world.net
maybe taken out with full credit

Diary Entry

Posted on 2009.10.05 (Written on 2009.10.06 at 01:54 AM)

..The New Years Special Dance Battle..

..Everything was practiced for 20 minutes in the hotel room in Thailand..

..But we all did much better than I thought..

..As the response itself is good my mood is gooo~~oood!!ㅋㅋ..

..It looks like the members are naturals..naturals beyond imagination...

..Then I'm a natural talent too?...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Original Source. 박정수 Cyworld
Translated by Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET


Diary Entry

2009.10.06 Tuesday (2009.10.07 06:01)

..Let's make a run for it like now..

..In my 30's.... 40's….

.I will become a even more wonderful person than what I make myself to be right now..

..Just once I will try to live diligently like that.

source 박정수's CY
translated by endorphin @sj-world.net:)
please take out with full credit


Diary Entry

2009.10.07 수(2009.10.08 04)

..I'm prepared to leave whenever..

..The reason that I pour my everything into anything is..

..So that when I leave, I can leave without regrets..

..I am living like that..

from: pjs cy
trans: rocket @ sj-world.net